Orofacial Myofunctional
Orofacial myofunctional therapy refers to a number of treatment methods used to address conditions with the mouth and face. One condition is called tongue thrust, which requires the attention of multiple medical specialists, such as a dentist, physical therapist, and speech pathologist. These specialists will have to work together to determine the most appropriate way to correct the orofacial myofunctional disorder. Aside from the speech part of orofacial myofunctional therapy, other specialists may come in to tackle other areas. For example, orthodontic treatment may be required to correct the bite. Additionally, a sleep specialist may be needed if obstructive sleep apnea has been a concern as a result of the tongue thrust.
Intervention may focus upon:
Fine motor skills
Visual motor integration
Visual perceptual skills
Activities of Daily Living (ADL’s) or self care
Feeding (Picky eaters or tactile/texture sensory differences)
Sensorimotor activities to address motor planning and coordination
Sensory processing skills Integrating primitive reflexes
Challenging behavior
Poor attention/focus
Executive functioning skills
Community participation & social skills
Emotional self-regulation
Provision of adaptive equipment
Assistive technology -Splinting / serial casting / Kinesio-taping
Upper limb, upper body and core strengthening for improved participation in daily life
Caregiver education and training
When to Refer:
If one, or more, are occuring:
More than a six-month delay in achieving age-appropriate developmental milestones
Limited fine motor and dexterity skills
Limited hand-eye coordination
Sensory processing skills that interfere with the child’s ability to complete everyday activities, such as: self-care (feeding, dressing, hygiene), play, community participation (school, church, playgrounds), functional communication of wants and needs
Orthopedic or neurological conditions that require skill-building, special equipment or adaptations for the child to succeed in daily life