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Connections Pediatric Speech-Language, Occupational, and Physical Therapy in Boerne, Texas


Connections’ therapists feel that it is important to work with children holistically to ensure we are providing the best therapy outcomes possible. This means that we will provide detailed evaluations and intervention plans to address each child’s unique needs. Another important part of the child is their family members or caregivers. Families and caregivers are the backbone to therapy programs as they are the primary implementors outside of the clinic setting. We commit to providing exceptional individual therapy services to the child as well as train, mentor, and supporting family members and caregivers along this journey to meeting their child’s fullest potential.

Connections Pediatric Speech-Language, Occupational, and Physical Therapy in Boerne, Texas



Each child will receive an individual evaluation to assess their strengths and areas of challenge. This is likely to include a thorough case history and medical questionnaire, a parent interview, standardized test instruments, and observation of functional communication in a play setting. Following the evaluation, Connections will provide the parent with a detailed written report that includes results, diagnosis, prognosis, and an individualized treatment plan. Treatment plans are designed to target functional skills that will enhance social communication and academic achievement.



Individual therapy sessions will utilize motivating games, manipulatives, and activities to make learning fun. Home practice activities will be provided to facilitate the transfer of new skills to other settings and enhance progress. Consultation with other professionals, for example, school I.E.P. teams, can be provided upon request. To ensure the best possible outcome, the therapist will collaborate with physicians, teachers, or other service providers who work with your child. 

Connections Pediatric Speech-Language, Occupational, and Physical Therapy in Boerne, Texas
Connections Pediatric Speech-Language, Occupational, and Physical Therapy in Boerne, Texas



Connections Therapy's full-scale sensory gym serves families in our community. We want to bring evidence-based practice into your home, boost your confidence in being in charge of your child's treatment, bridge the gap in understanding your child's needs, and create a network of support and parent empowerment. The sensory gym provides families with skilled occupational, physical, and speech therapy services, as well as open gym hours for children in Boerne, Leon Springs, Dominion, and surrounding areas.

Connections Pediatric Speech-Language, Occupational, and Physical Therapy in Boerne, Texas
Connections Pediatric Speech-Language, Occupational, and Physical Therapy in Boerne, Texas
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